NGA Office of Geomatics Virtual Information Session: April 11

You are invited and encouraged to attend the NGA Office of Geomatics Virtual Information Session!

NGA Office of Geomatics Virtual Information Session

Tuesday, April 11th, 1200 CST – 1400 CST

This information session will include an Office overview brief, information about our upcoming virtual hiring event (26 April), and a FAQs session with representatives from each of our Divisions. Please feel free to reach out to with any questions!

Meeting Information:

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number 
Meeting number (access code): 2762 709 7234 

Meeting password: ZKmcmQEX483 (95626739 from phones and video systems)


Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)

+1-415-527-5035,,27627097234#95626739# US Toll

Some mobile devices may ask attendees to enter a numeric password.


Join by phone

+1-415-527-5035 US Toll

Global call-in numbers


Join from a video system or application


You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
