EPICS Courses

 Looking for a hands-on experience this fall?

Looking for experience that would be helpful getting a job in person or online?

EPICS is a course where students work with local, regional and global partners to address needs within their communities.  Any student from any major can take EPICS in any undergraduate year.  With the overwhelming demand for first semester students, we do limit first semester students to the Learning Community and a small number of exceptions.


Our projects are design projects that involves technology that will be used by real people and benefit from many different perspectives and majors.  There are over 40 employers that look at EPICS similar to an internship and many students leverage their EPICS experience to get internships, co-op positions and full-time employment.


You can know how it counts in your discipline by checking with your advisor or see our web page at:  How EPICS credits count for your major.  The Fall Crn list for online only and on campus sections can be found at: Fall CRN List

EPICS is also a way to make a difference in the world while you earn credit towards graduation.  Projects address needs related to education, access and abilities for people with disabilities, water and sustainability and many other needs.


A full list of EPICS teams can be found at https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue


Questions ?? Contact Pam Brown at (pamb@purdue.edu) or epics@purdue.edu
